Category: Tennis business

  • PRATT: Senior Season Lost, Weil Academy’s Henderson Making A Difference

    PRATT: Senior Season Lost, Weil Academy’s Henderson Making A Difference

    A high school senior year lost, Noah Henderson simply decided he wasn’t going to sit around moping about not having a senior ditch day, or graduation ceremony, or all the other rites of passage that go along with that once-in-a-lifetime moment when your 12th-grade high school year ends. It’s been more than six weeks since…

  • New York Times: Could a Merger of Men’s and Women’s Tennis Come Out of This Hiatus?

    New York Times: Could a Merger of Men’s and Women’s Tennis Come Out of This Hiatus?

    This column by Christopher Clarey first appeared in the New York Times, April 25, 2020. When Roger Federer, with time on his hands in the midst of tennis’s shutdown, floated the prospect this week of merging the men’s and women’s tours, Billie Jean King saw potential for her 50-year dream to come true. “I’m thinking,…

  • Kim Jong Un, Patriots, Kanye West net worth and Judge Judy

    Below is a snapshot of worldwide search interest this past week: Kim Jong Un, Patriots, Kanye West net worth and Judge Judy were all trending on search engines this past week. searches for deep vein thrombosis up 18% searches for varicose veins treatment up 25% searches for office water filtration up 52% searches for outrigger…

  • Keep Your Glasses from Fogging up While Wearing a Face Mask

    Homemade face masks are becoming the norm as the coronavirus epidemic continues to ravage the United States, with some states — namely New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and beyond — now requiring them in public. But if you are a glasses wearer, you may have noticed that wearing a face mask can cause your…

  • USTA Announces Cancellation of Key Junior Events

    USTA Announces Cancellation of Key Junior Events

      In response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, The United States Tennis Association has announced the cancellation of two major junior team competitions. The 2020 USTA Zone Team Championships, as well as the 2020 USTA National Boys/Girls 18s Team Championships, have been canceled for this year. Both events will return to the USTA calendar in…

  • PRATT: Cattle Disease Halted Ojai Tournament In 1924

    By Steve Pratt The Ojai Tennis Tournament turns 125 years old this week, but will do so without the playing one of the longest-standing and unique events in the world. Because of the world-wide Covid-19 pandemic, Ojai Valley Tennis Club President Carolyn Burke called an emergency meeting March 15 where board members voted unanimously to…

  • When Is The Last Time You Used “Regurgitate”?

    Something regurgitated has typically been taken in, at least partially digested, and then spit back out—either literally or figuratively. The word often appears in biological contexts (e.g., in describing how some birds feed their chicks by regurgitating incompletely digested food) or in references to ideas or information that has been acquired and restated. A student,…

  • Earn Youth Progression Points At Home – Learn How!

    Earn Youth Progression Points At Home – Learn How!

      While Junior Tournaments, Early Development Camps, Team Challenges and Junior Team Tennis are all on hold, you can still earn credit in Youth Progression from the safety of your own home! Now through July 1, 10-U players will be able to earn stars (participation points) towards their progression by submitting video(s) of themselves completing…

  • Rashida Jones, Trump Twitter, Brian Dennehy, Remdesivir and Disney Singalong

    Below is a snapshot of worldwide search interest this past week: Rashida Jones, Trump Twitter, Brian Dennehy, Remdesivir and Disney Singalong were all trending on search engines this past week. searches for cbd products up 28% searches for tennis in southern california up 144% searches for real estate in mission viejo up 35% searches for…

  • PRATT: Tennis Lover Arjad Cook Making Masks To Keep Business Open

    PRATT: Tennis Lover Arjad Cook Making Masks To Keep Business Open

    It seems like forever, but it’s been just four short weeks since local tennis enthusiast and entrepreneur Adeline Arjad Cook went from being a successful boutique designer and manufacturer of tennis clothing, bags and jewelry to using her resources and manpower to aid those in need during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Shortly after President Donald…