Is This Deadline On Your Calendar?
The clock is ticking. Have you ever heard of a REAL ID? You should have, it’s been in the works for years. The REAL ID Act was passed by Congress in 2005, implementing recommendations from the 9/11 Commission. The purpose is to set standards for the issuance of sources of identification, such as drivers licenses.…
PRATT: Tennis Can Still Be Played If Precautions Are Followed
We are living in a new world with things changing day-by-day, hour-by-hour concerning the pandemic COVID-19 and the potential spread of the infectious coronavirus through close human contact. Even in this time of uncertainty and precaution, tennis still provides an opportunity to get outside and escape the claustrophobic feeling of house arrest. In fact, playing…
Lakers vs Pelicans, Kobe Bryant crash, South Carolina primary, and Liverpool
Below is a snapshot of worldwide search interest this past week: Nevada caucus, Quaden Bayles, Markieff Morris, South Carolina primary and Real Madrid were all trending on search engines this past week. searches for soccer net up 25% searches for junior soccer up 18% searches for restaurants that deliver up 27% searches for organic gardening…
Coronavirus update, Symptoms of coronavirus, NBA, Tom Hanks, Pandemic, and MLB
Below is a snapshot of worldwide search interest this past week: Coronavirus update, Symptoms of coronavirus, NBA, Tom Hanks, Pandemic, and MLB were all trending on search engines this past week. searches for vascular disease up 16% searches for transportation in los cabos up 16% searches for salt lake city doctors up 20% searches for…
Due to the increasing concern surrounding the COVID-19 coronavirus, the USTA has cancelled all tennis tournaments through April 21, 2020. Separately, USTA Southern California is suspending Adult League play and Junior TeamTennis competition until March 31, 2020. At that time, we will review the situation and determine whether or not the suspension…
PRATT: Harsh Reality Of Virus Hits Tennis World Hard
The cloudy and gloomy skies that settled into the Southland Monday morning matched the mood of tennis fans everywhere – especially those here in Southern California. The forecast for the week was wet and rainy. Many, like myself, woke up in a literal fog, and had to re-check their Twitter feeds. It felt like a…
Statement on International Open of Southern California – Cancellation
Statement Regarding the International Open of Southern California – CANCELLATION Due to the increasing concern surrounding the COVID-19 coronavirus, USTA Southern California announces the unfortunate cancellation of the International Open of Southern California, previously scheduled for March 21-29, 2020, at Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, CA. With player and guest safety as…
Cheap Car Insurance Could Put Your Privacy at Risk
Car technology has been getting more and more advanced lately. You can do things like make phone calls through your car’s audio system, play music from your phone and get directions to appear right on your dashboard. With the help of new technology, you might be able to find car insurance at cheaper rates, but…
Ways To Increase Facebook Engagement
Facebook engagement is the action that people takes on your Facebook Page. The most common are: likes, comments and shares. The interactions on your posts on Facebook include: Likes and the rest of reactions Shares Comments: both positive or negative And even the clicks made by users In short, an interaction would be any action…
PRATT: Jeff and Son Andrew Lee Ready For Super Sectional Action In Wheelchair Division
Playing doubles with your son in a sanctioned Sectional tennis match is not a new concept, they’ve being doing it for years in events like the USTA National Father-Son Tournament. Now facing your son across the net from you in a tournament in singles is something that is a little bit more unique. But there’s…