Lot’s of Training Options..Smash Tennis Boston

NETRESULTS has a variety of menu options to take you to the next level starting March 1st…Lot’s of Training Options..Smash Tennis Boston

– 3 week adult training indoors Mar 1st-15th, Saturdays 11 am and 12 pm classes for Play Better and Performance adults.

– Spring Combo; first 5 weeks indoors, move outdoors for the last 3 sessions Mar 19th-April 25th for adults and juniors.

– Outdoor Spring Tennis; Adult Power Hours and “Live Ball” programs along with jr development and high performance options for juniors April 28th-May 18th

– Summer Jr Camp; Young Star Camp (4-7 yrs) and “Jam Camp (8-16 yrs) for age / level appropriate training. Early Bird discounts ending soon!

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