USTA President Katrina Adams announced recently that legendary tennis champion Billie Jean King has been nominated for the Congressional Gold Medal, in recognition of Billie’s countless achievements and contributions to athletics, women’s rights, LGBT rights and social justice.
The Congressional Gold Medal is bestowed by the U.S. Congress to recognize outstanding contributions to American culture.
Along with the Presidential Medal of Freedom (which King received in 2009 from President Barack Obama), it ranks as the highest civilian award in the country. This award would be a wonderful—and altogether fitting—complement to that outstanding recognition for a true champion whose courage and commitment have not only helped to change the face of our sport, but also of our society.
This proposed legislation already has the endorsement of many national foundations and associations, including the USTA. The USTA encourages you to add your voice to that legion of endorsements by contacting your local congressperson to express your support, and by posting your own approval of this important effort on social media, using the hashtag #BJKGoldMedal.
Let’s all get behind this legislation to recognize one of our sport’s greatest champions with one of our country’s most prestigious awards!