Carson schools bring Net Generation tennis to Phys Ed classes NEEDS FORM


Towne Ave. and Del Amo LAUSD Elementary schools in Carson are the most recent recipients of the USTA Net Generation Physical Education grants.

On a recent Saturday, 25 teachers and administrators from both schools gathered on the Towne Ave. School playground for an action packed, informative training. The USTA National Schools team, along with USTA staff, demonstrated how the curriculum, designed for school teachers, can be easily rolled out during Phys Ed classes. The enthusiastic group of teachers were eager to play with red balls and 21’ racquets while running through class segments. They quickly realized how fun and easy the curriculum is to deliver to their combined 750 students.

In addition to the benefits of tennis they will bring to their students, this dedicated group of teachers had such a great time with the training that they plan to make tennis a part of their own recreational social time together.

If you would like to bring a USTA Net Generation PE grant to your school, let us know by completing the contact form below. Our SoCal schools rep will be in touch ASAP!

FORM (forwards to 

Please let us know your question or comment regarding USTA Net Generation Phys Ed opportunities:

Your school and city:

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